August 22, 2009

God Will Bring Thee Into Judgement

This poem is taken from the book named "Veronica Decides To Die".....
"Then I said in my heart, As it happeneth to the fool
So will it happen even to me...
Go thy way,eat thy bread with joy,
and drink thy wine with a merry heart;
for God hath already accepted thy works.
Let thy garments be always white;
and let not thy head lack ointment.
Live joyfully with the wife whom thou lovest
aa the days of the life of thy vanity,
which he hath given thee under the sun,
all the days of thy vanity:
for that is thy portion in life,
and in thy labour wherein thou labourest under the sun...
Walk in the ways of thine heart,
and in the sight of thine eyes;
but know thou, that for all these things
God will bring thee into judgement."

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